Thursday, February 18, 2010

Valentines Day Fire

On a very cold Valentines Day night a fire broke out in one of Eau Claire, Wisconsin's historic homes located on Lake Street. With the hazardous weather conditions already using many of the cities resources, crews were called in from neighboring cities. The fire broke out around 10pm and the crews were on scene until at least 2am. The snow was on and off as the fire continued to rage on this very cold night. After time went on the crew gained control and all that was left was water covered streets and trees of ice.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Glossy or Lustre

One question many ask is what finish they should get their photos done in, glossy or lustre. I prefer glossy in most applications. It has that great shine and deep colors which really makes the photo pop. Applications that I would get glossy prints in would include your run of the mill 4X6, photo albums, framed without glass, portfolios, and many other ways you choose to share and display the photograph.

Lustre is much flatter then glossy but has a much better look then a matte finish. It is in between the two finishes and cuts down on glare while keeping good depth in the photo. I will choose lustre for a majority of my black and white pieces as I think it sets the mood and feel of most black and white works of art better. Whenever I frame any photo behind glass I will get it done in the lustre finish. The glass will add the glossiness that you lost with the lustre finish. When you frame a glossy print behind glass you end up usually getting a reflection off the print which can degrade the quality and cheapen the look of your framed artwork. You will also notice any waviness of the print behind the glass which is minimal with a lustre finished print.